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Last updated
OutGoing FC
Arrival of participants / Registration
09:00 - 09:30
1 - Official Opening
09:30 - 09:45
1.1 Official Opening
2 - Formalities (1st part)
09:45 - 10:35
2.1 Declaration of votes present (roll call)
2.2 Election of two tellers
2.3 Adoption of the agenda and timetable
2.4 Adoption of the Minutes of the last FC Meeting in Rome
2.5 Appointment of the Credentials Committee
2.6 Overview of membership fees paid
2.7 Proposal on five Congress Presidium Members
2.8 Proposal of up to five members of Resolutions Committee for Congress
3 - EB Updates
10:35 - 10:45
3 - EB Updates
4 - Finances
10:45 - 11:15
4.1 Financial report by the Treasurer
4.2 Internal Audit Report
4.3 Q and A
5 - Cessation of membership
11:15 - 11:25
5.1 Recommendation on membership status (+ hearing from the sections) + Vote on resolutions
6 - Formalities (2nd part)
11:25 - 11:30
6.1 Final allocation of delegates
11:30 - 11:45
7 - Reports from Political Commissions and Taskforces
11:45 - 12:35
7.1 Final reports by the Political Commissions
7.2 Final reports by the taskforces
8 - Reports
12:35 - 12:50
8. Reports
9 - AOB
12:50 - 13:00
9.1 AOB
Lunch + Registration of participants
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch + Registration of participants
1 - Official Opening
14:00 - 14:10
1.1 Official Opening
2 - Formalities
14:10 - 15:03
2.1. Report of the Credentials Committee
2.2. Roll-call (declaration of the votes present and represented)
2.3. Appointment of the Congress Presidium
Congress Presidium enters in function
2.4. Appointment of the Returning Officer
2.5. Appointment of four Tellers
2.6. Appointment of the Resolutions Committee
2.7. Adoption of the Agenda
2.8. Adoption of the voting procedure on resolutions
2.9. Adoption of the minutes of the 24rd European Congres
3 - Sections and Membership
15:03 - 15:28
3.4 Recognition of / vote on full membership of candidate sections
4 - Finances
15:28 - 15:53
4.1 Financial Report 2017-19
4 Audit Report 2017-19 (Auditors Committee) QA
4.3 Adoption of the annual accounts 2017 and 2018
5 - Past activities
15:53 - 16:28
5.1 Organisational activity report 2017-2019 (SG)
5.2 Political activity report 2017-2019 (President)
5.3 QA
5.4 Adoption of the activity reports 2017-2019
6 - Discharge
16:28 - 16:38
6.1 Discharge of the EB
6.2 Discharge of the FC
7 - Inputs from guests (I)
16:38 - 16:53
7. Paolo VACCA, UEF SG
8 - Full time President
16:53 - 17:33
8 - Presentation of the resolution on Full time President, debate and vote
9 - Statutory reform
17:33 - 18:03
9 - Presentation of statutory reform
10 - Farewell Speech
18:03 - 18:40
10 - Farewell speech by President
Reception: 20 Years Europe@School France (Europe par les Jeunes) + Twinning prizes
Opening of the day
09:00 -
Moving to the PC rooms
09:10 - 09:15
Moving to PC rooms
11 - PC and Political work
09:15 - 12:00
11.1 Parallel PC sessions - PC 1 - Institutions and Governance
11.2 - Parallel PC sessions - PC 2 - Internal European Policy
11.3 - Parallel PC sessions - PC 3 - European External relations
12:00 - 13:00
12 - Elections 1/2
13:00 - 14:25
12.1 President (Presentation and Q/A)
12.2 Vice-President (Presentation and Q/A)
12.3 Treasurer (Presentation and Q/A)
12.4 Roll Call
12.5 Voting
Coffee / Tea break
14:25 - 15:10
Coffee / Tee break + Balloon to meet candidates
13 - Inputs from guests (II)
15:10 - 15:15
13. Civil Society Europe
14 - Formalities
15:15 - 15:30
14.1 Results announcement for Pdt, VP & Treasurer 14.2 Roll Call
15 - Elections 2/2
15:30 - 16:40
15.1 Four EB members (5 minutes presentation and Q/A) 15.2 Voting on EB
15.3 Voting Federal Committee (16 positions)
15.4 Voting Arbitration Board (5 positions)
15.5 Voting Auditors Committee (2-3 positions)
Moving to the other venue
16:40 - 17:20
Moving to the other Venue
16 - Feedback from political commissions
17:30 - 17:50
16. Report by the PC chairs
17 - Inputs from guests (III)
17:50 - 19:20
17.1 YFJ
17.2. UEF
17.3 PPYO - Greens
17.4 PPYO - YES
17.5 Inputs from former JEFers ( David Grace, Kim Gammelagard)
17.6- Informal discussion with Friends of JEF (JEF alumni) and partner organisations
18 - Elections result
19:20 - 19:50
18. Results Announcement for EB, FC, Arbitration Board, Auditors Committee
19 - Closing of the day
19:50 - 20:00
19.Closing of the day
20:00 - 20:30
Dinner & Social programme
Dinner & Social programme
20 - Opening of the day
/ Technicalities
09:00 -
21 - Welcome address
09:05 -
21 - Welcome address by the new president
22 - Voting
09:10 -
22.1 Check the quorum
22.2 RoP
22.2 bis Statutes
22.3 Resolutions and other documents
Coffee / Tea break
11:10 -
Coffee / Tea break
23 - Any Other Business
11:30 -
23.1 AOB EB/SG
23.2 AOB Sections
24 - Closing of the Congress
11:50 -
24.1 Closing words New President
24.2 Europe United
Incoming FC
1 - Opening of the Incoming FC
12:30 -
1.1 Official Opening
2 - Formalities
12:35 -
2.1 Declaration of votes present (Roll Call)
2.2 Election of Tellers
2.3 Adoption of the agenda and timetable
3 - Election FC Presidium
12:50 -
3.1 Presentation of candidates
3.2 Election of FC Presidium
4 - Elections PCs and TFs
13:25 -
4.1 Establishement of the PC and Taskforces
4.2 Presentation of Candidates to chair PC and TF
4.3 Elections
5 - Membership
14:00 -
5.1 Candidate Sections
6 - Finances
14:05 -
6.1 Presentation of the Budget 2020
6.2 Adoption of the Budget 2020
7 - Upcoming FC Meetings
14:15 -
7.2 FC Autumn 2020 - TBD
8 - AOB
14:25 -
8- AOB
9 - Closing of the meeting
14:30 -
9 - Thank you and Goodbye / Closing
The congress program will be held from 10am on friday to sunday afternoon.