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Last updated
September 8th: sections must .
September 8th: all individuals (Delegates selected by sections, directly FC members, EB Members, Observers, JEF Europe secretariat) must .
October 3th: Deadline to hand in draft resolutions.
October 4th: all participation fees have to be paid (Proof of payment to be sent by email ).
Please book your flights ONLY after receiving the official confirmation from the Secretariat! Preferable arrival/departure times are Friday (October 25th) before lunch and Sunday (October 27th) evening.
The travel fund is designed to support the participation of the small, developing and less active sections in the statutory and democratic life of JEF Europe and to strengthen their integration in the network. It is accessible for all individuals supported by national sections, candidate sections and interest groups.
To fill a request for travel funding, please fill the form accessible . Please .
and are very much looking forward to welcoming you in Paris!
At the European Congress 2019, the following positions will be directly elected:
The President is the political head of the organisation representing it on the outside, developing and fostering political relations with heads of other organisations and politicians, organising the work of the Executive Board and giving political leadership to the rest of the organisation.
2 Vice-Presidents, both of which assist the President in her/his duties, act for the President in her/his absence, and, together with the SG and the President, represent the organisation externally. One VP is traditionally in charge of relations with the European Youth Forum.
4 Executive Board (EB) members are implementing policies and decisions taken by the FC and are in direct relations with the Secretariat for this matter. They are responsible for being in contact with national sections, developing projects and giving guidelines for their realisation and assuring their proper and successful implementation.
The Treasurer is responsible for the financial matters of the organisation, including budgets for different projects prepared by the organisation.
All of the above mention mandate holders work as a team (the Executive Board) in assuring the smooth and successful work and representation of JEF Europe.
In addition to the above mentioned positions the Congress also elects:
16 directly-elected Federal Committee (FC) members coming from different JEF sections, elected to represent the interest of JEF Europe and assist the EB in the running of the organisation. They can be elected to become member of the FC Presidium, chair of a political commission or a working group with the Federal Committee.
3 internal auditors as members of the Internal Auditor’s Committee and 5 members of the Arbitration Board.
The congress is the supreme body of JEF Europe and meets every two years. It is composed of delegates elected by JEF national sections. It defines the political direction of JEF Europe and elect a new Executive Board. During the congress, the resolutions and the political platform of JEF will be discussed and voted upon. and are vey much looking forward to welcoming you in Paris!
For more information about the Congress and important documents, including the Statutes and Rules of Procedure, please .
Welcome to the open platform in which candidates for statutory positions of JEF Europe present themselves and in which important documents and information are provided.